Sunday, December 05, 2004

Google and Misspidering

Strange behaviour of Google. The index page of this site has been dropped from the Google Index. Is it a kind of mis-spidering, mis-crawling or mis-indexing??? I don't know, but it is at least mis-terious.

Friday, October 08, 2004

definition of misspelling via wikipedia

Misspelling refers to spelling a word incorrectly. Misspelling is distinguished from other errors in writing, such as grammatical errors, incorrect capitalization or misuse of punctuation. A misspelled word can be a series of letters ...

Have a look at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia in order to read the full article.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

word recognition at microsoft research

A very interesting article from microsoft research named The Science of Word Recognition. Learn about the different theories on how humans read - Word Shape, Serial Letter Recognition and Parallel Letter Recognition. Fascinating.

Friday, June 18, 2004

first result of the bachlor experiment

Here you can see the first result of our little bachlor experiment some weeks ago. The site went up from position 9 to 3 in google search results for the search phrase online bachlor degree. Not impressive, but a nice move that shows that one missing/additional letter can make quite a big difference in search engine worlds :)

Friday, April 30, 2004

Bachlor or Bachlors, that's the question

Not every mistyping or misspelling happens by accident, some of this typing errors happen with intent to search engine optimization efforts. For example, the following link online bachlor degree should help to raise the position in the google results for the keyphrase "online bachlor degree". And in order to enhance another page for the plural "online bachlor degrees", it makes sense to give it a second link named online bachlor degrees. We will track the rankings of this two phrases and we will see whether it made sense or not.

Thursday, March 18, 2004


Auch im Deutschen gibt es nette Rechtschreibfehler - einer der beliebteren ist die Schreibweise Suchmaschienen. Ein paar Hinweise zur Häufigkeit und ein paar weitere Infos bringt der folgende Suchmaschienen Beitrag.